Racial identity of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂の人種的アイデンティティ
Was he black or Chinese?彼は黒人だったのか、それとも中国人だったのか?
The oldest possible record of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro is from June, 785 (4th year of Enryaku "Shoku Nihongi,"). We should therefore bear in mind that this information should take precedence over comments by such people as Alexander Francis Chamberlain who were experts in Anthropology based in the Americas and who were not even able to read or speak ancient Japanese or Chinese, which is necessary for understanding ancient documents. Chamberlain, without evidence, claimed that Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was of “negro” that is to say black decent in 1911. Later this would be repeated by William Edward Burghardt Du Bois in 1915, by Beatrice J. Fleming and Marion J. Pryd in 1946, and Joel Augustus Rogers in 1946. The story was continually recycled from that point. None of the persons mentioned had any background in Chinese Classics or Asian languages.
So, what does the "Shoku Nihongi," actually say on the matter? Below is the original text from 785 which requires some detailed understanding of Chinese classics to read and hence I shall translate it.
右衞士督從三位兼下総守坂上大忌寸苅田麻呂等上表言。臣等本是後漢靈帝之曾孫阿智王之後也。漢祚遷魏。阿智王因牛教。出行帶方。忽得寳帶瑞。其像似宮城。爰建國邑。育其人庶。後召父兄告曰。吾聞。東國有聖主。何不歸從乎。若久居此處。恐取覆滅。即携母弟迂興徳。及七姓民。歸化來朝。是則譽田天皇治天下之御世也。於是阿智王奏請曰。臣舊居在於帶方。人民男女皆有才藝。近者寓於百濟高麗之間。心懷猶豫未知去就。伏願天恩遣使追召之。乃勅遣臣八腹氏。分頭發遣。其人民男女。擧落隨使盡來。永爲公民。積年累代。以至于今。今在諸國漢人亦是其後也。臣苅田麻呂等。失先祖之王族。蒙下人之卑姓。望 。改忌寸蒙賜宿祢姓。伏願。天恩矜察。儻垂聖聽。所謂寒灰更煖。枯樹復榮也。臣苅田麻呂等。不勝至望之誠。輙奉表以聞。詔許之。坂上。内藏。平田。大藏。文。調。文部。谷。民。佐太。山口等忌寸十一姓十六人賜姓宿祢。 - 『続日本紀』延暦四年六月条
“The Captain of the Right Guards, a courtier of junior third rank and concurrently the Governor of Shimousa Province, Sakanoue no Ikimi Karitamaro, along with others, submitted a petition, saying:
"We, your humble subjects, are descendants of Achino-Ou (Prince Achi), the great-grandson of Emperor Ling of the Later Han dynasty. When the Han dynasty fell and was succeeded by Wei, Prince Achi, following divine guidance, departed for Daifang Commandery. There, he unexpectedly discovered a miraculous treasure resembling a palace, which he interpreted as an auspicious sign. He then established a settlement, cultivated the populace, and nurtured the land.
Later, he addressed his family and followers, saying: 'I have heard that in the eastern lands, there is a wise and virtuous sovereign. Why should we not submit to and serve him? If we remain here too long, I fear that calamity will befall us.' With this in mind, he took his younger brother Ukokutoku (Ukjotoku) and seven clans of his people, submitting and coming to the imperial court. This took place during the reign of Emperor Ojin (誉田天皇).
At that time, Prince Achi petitioned the emperor, saying: 'My former residence was in Daifang, where the men and women are all highly skilled. Recently, they have been residing in the regions of Baekje and Goguryeo, but their hearts are uncertain, not knowing whether to stay or leave. I humbly beseech your gracious imperial favor to send an envoy to summon them.'
The emperor issued an edict, dispatching Yatsuhashi no Miyatsuko, who went to those regions and conveyed the imperial order. Consequently, the people, men and women alike, all followed the envoy and came to Japan, becoming permanent imperial subjects. This practice has continued for generations and remains so to this day. The Han people (Kara-jin) now residing in various provinces are also their descendants.
However, we, Karitamaro and others, have lost the royal status of our ancestors and have been burdened with lowly surnames. We humbly request that our current surname, Ikimi (忌寸), be changed, and that we be granted the surname Sukuné (宿祢). We earnestly beseech your heavenly grace to consider this matter. Should you grant us this favor, it would be like reviving cold ashes to warmth or restoring a withered tree to bloom. With utmost sincerity, we present this petition to the court."
The emperor granted their request. Sakanoue, Uchikura, Hirata, Okura, Fumi, Tsukuri, Fumibe, Tani, Min, Sata, and Yamaguchi, a total of 16 individuals from 11 clans, were granted the surname Sukuné (宿祢). (From the "Shoku Nihongi," Entry for Enryaku 4, 6th Month)”
So here we see that the Emperor graciously awarded them surnames, but why did he do that? Was it in recognition of African decent? No, rather, the Emperor recognised that they were Han Chinese descendants of the Later Han Dynasty that had fled to Baekje and Goguryeo (two ancient Korean Kingdoms) and that had come to Japan after the Emperor of that time sent his envoy Yatsuhashi no Miyatsuko to bring them to Japan. So, the royal records would have been checked to show that this information was accurate. After this they were given their family names in the Japanese style and allowed to fully integrate. There is no mention of Africa, which did not even exist in the Japanese mind at the time. Therefore, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was a Japanese man whose ancestors are verifiable included Han Chinese and possibly Baekje and Goguryeo (if intermarriages occured although that is not mentioned by the text). Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was therefore 100% Asian and no 20th Century ramblings will change that.